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Beyond the Eyes Trilogy Tour - Reviews, Author interviews plus much more!

  This is the first Book Tour that I have participated in and it isn't going to be my last! Lined up for you today is an exclusive Author interview with the one and only Rebekah Ford, A great book review on the first in the trilogy: Beyond the Eyes (Funnily Enough) and of course some more exclusive information for my great readers!

The first book: Beyond the Eyes is now available for free on

Author interview:

1. Was writing always your dream job?

Yes, and it still is.

2. How much do you write daily?

Not enough. I have a day job, so I write as much as I can in my spare time. Ideally, 2,000 words a day. However, I haven’t done that in a while because I've been busy with edits and rewrites at the moment.

3. Do you read lots and do you 'borrow' the ideas of other authors?

I read all the time and so far I haven’t borrowed any ideas that I can recall from other authors.

4. Have you got a favorite book or story?

Yes, Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice.

5. Did an author inspire you to become a writer and if yes, who was it?

No, but Anne Rice’s stories still inspire me though.

6. Do you prefer e-books or real ones?

Real ones, I can’t read a book off a screen. It doesn’t feel right and is too hard on my eyes.

7. Are some of your characters based on people in real life?

Yes they are indeed!

8. Which three qualities do you think are most important for authors?

Passion, a reader and imagination.

9. Which is your favorite genre to read and which genre is your favorite to write?

YA paranormal on both questions.

10. What advice you give to young people who want to become authors themselves?

  Read a lot, write what makes you happy, not what’s popular at the moment, believe in yourself and story, regardless if other people do or not. Also, write every day, because the more you write the better you become. Oh, and study the craft and learn how the literary world works.

Review: Book 1

  I really enjoyed this book as it was both interesting and fun at the same time. It is a book for young adults and teenagers (Hence it being a YA Paranormal) The book spirals from darkness to light, good to bad, this is a great combination in my book (well this book anyway) I would recommend it to readers of the YA section and I do believe that they would enjoy it. The book has a fast pace, it is always on the move which is a really great thing for a novel as it keeps the readers busy. The one downside was that the book didn't have quite as much packed into the story line as I would have liked, but I'm sure that the other books in the trilogy will make up for that...

The last book: The devils Third is now available on, as is the second: Dark Spirits


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