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Blog undergoing Maintenance!

  Hi guys, today I have a different sort of post for you.

Starting today I am going to be changing the overall look and design of The Olly Book Blog, for a while you might start seeing things on the site that don't quite seem right, do not worry, this is just part of the maintenance that I am doing! 

I would also like to ask you for any ideas or suggestions of how I could edit the blog as I will always appreciate your feedback seeing as you guys are the ones who will be using and looking at the blog. So if you do have any feedback just go ahead and make it known in the comments.

I would also like to share with you a new book blog that I think you will enjoy. You can find it at: Et's Best Books Blog.

Please do check that blog out as it has some great content that I think you guys will enjoy. So that's all for now, I will update you when the maintenance is completed and then should be able to hopefully start posting new book reviews on a more regular basis.

Thanks for all of your support,
- Olly



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