It started off well but the stories soul kind of left during the final chapters. Almost like a dementor entered another series of books now that we are back in the Potter mood. (J.K Rowling is currents writing a screenplay adaptation of her book: Fantastical Beasts and where to find them, Review coming soon, watch this space!) So yes, the book made you think about different characters in different ways once you read different parts of the book. Which is quite interesting. Until the book stops suddenly at a dead end in the last few pages. I felt that the ending actually came about in the previous chapter. Like the final chapter would reveal the last piece of the jigsaw, hat told me the point of the book- Only there wasn't one. The last jigsaw piece remained under the sofa, the runner fell on the final sprint, the story for me, remained incomplete.
4/10 Do you think differently to me? What are your thoughts on this novel?...