This book wasn't anything like the previous ones. The story has begun to get rather interesting as the story is now twisting and turning even more! The tale zooms from corner to corner at a pace that rivals even the speed of light! Or should I say time?... Anyway the story continues as if it's just the next chapter in the previous installment, which I found really good as most stories have an event or something that has happened in between the books, that you find out about in the next story etc.
As thrilling as the Hunger games I'd say! This is an electrifying read! For older children, the gone books in order are: Gone, Hunger, Lies, Plague and Fear. You won't want to put it down, I didn't anyway! Michael Grant is a seriously good author and he also has a new book called bzrk. I rate this fabulous novel 10/10 A fantastic read!