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Showing posts from June, 2012

The Lightning Key - Jon Berkerley

 The final book in this series dominates all praise, it is a fantastic end to the adventures as all the loose ends are tied up and nothing is left to explain. Brilliant.  8/10 Great work

The Tigers egg - Jon Berkley

 Readers will not be disappointed with The second adventure of Miles Wednesday, you are hurtled from chapter to chapter in an array of excitement, This is a fabulous read and you will not put it down! This is a brilliant read! 8/10 Enjoyment worthy of the circus!

A Wizard of Earth Sea - Ursula Le Guin

 A fairly difficult read as most of the text is is written in an older style of writing. A more challenging read for those who like hard books. Gets a bit boring in the middle but is a fairly enjoyable read. The first novel of Earthsea. 7/10 Quite a good read.

The Invisible girl - Laura Ruby

 This book is a very easy read that is fun and enjoyable. Your eyes will fly through the pages! 8/10 Enchanting.